Collective Worship at Christ Church
The Church and Christ Church Primary School
Collective Worship is an inclusive and valued part of the school day where members of the school community that wish to engage in prayer, have a regular opportunity to do so.
The School has a daily Act of Worship giving staff and children the opportunity to reflect and speak to God. All forms of Collective Worship have an underlying Christian theme although their focus may be about world events or social dilemmas. Bible stories are told, along with stories from other religions and cultures. The link between the School and Parish Church is very important to us. Services are held at Christ Church celebrating the main Christian festivals and learners have a bi-weekly Collective Worship in the Church also. Mother Ariadne, who is the Vicar of Christ Church is also a member of the School’s Governing Body. She is a regular visitor to our School.
Learners are encouraged to follow the basic moral code of the Christian Church. This is reinforced by our use of Value Words. The children are encouraged to put these values into practise. Whilst many lessons will have a Christian theme, they will learn about the beliefs and practices of the major world religions.
Children from Years 1 to 6 have the opportunity to be members of the Worship Team. This means they help with classroom, school and church based worship. These roles last for one term in order for as many children as possible to have the opportunity to be part of the team.