Accessibility Plan
Equality & Equity Charter
Christ Church is pleased to have signed up to Royal Greenwich's Equality & Equity Charter
And also to:
The Diocese of Southwark Anti Racism Charter
Complying with the Public Sector Equality Duty Accessibility plan
The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard for the need to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
Relevant Policies
You will find our policies here including;
Special educational needs & disability
Race equality & diversity
Staff Recruitment
Equality Objectives
- To enable children to live, play and learn harmoniously, with adults modelling how this can be achieved.
- To help children learn that difference and diversity are valued and welcomed within all of our lives
- To make sure that success is not dependent upon being able bodied, belonging to any particular culture, gender, social class, sexual orientation, family circumstance or majority group
- To make sure every adult member of our school community is able to fulfil their role without hindrance and with every support and assistance.
Mission Statement
To achieve these objectives we all support and apply the following guiding Mission Statement to help us make decisions, to evaluate the impact of our work and to inform the way that we act individually and collectively as members of the Christ Church School community:
Come to understand and apply Christian values through learning, worship, prayer and reflection
Become independent and confident individuals who show respect both to others and themselves as well as their environment
Understand their own place in God’s World and to appreciate the religious, moral and cultural traditions and different needs of others
Have a desire to learn new skills and experience new things so that they can reach their full potential both academically and as a ‘whole person’.
Staff, governors and parents undertake to:
Listen to the children and take their viewpoints into account
Work as a team, showing Christian values in all that they do
Support the children as well as each other
Encourage personal growth and independence rooted in relationships
Accommodate each individual’s special needs
Provide a well-planned and well-delivered curriculum which will equip the children with knowledge, skills and understanding
Provide a safe environment in which children will feel respected and cared for.
Every Child Matters
We will always make clear, open and effective decisions which best support children’s learning. These aims and principles also relate to the government’s ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda with its aim for every child, whatever their background or their circumstances, to have the support they need in order to:
- Be healthy
- Stay safe
- Enjoy and achieve
- Make a positive contribution
- Achieve economic well-being