Our Christian Vision, Mission Statement and Values
Our Christian Vision
Christ Church Church of England Primary School is an inclusive and caring community where each person is valued as a child of God.
Our Vision: ‘I am because we are’
' Learning Together, Praying Together, Growing Together'
Ubuntu is part of the Zulu phrase "Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu", which literally means that a person is a person through other people or “I am because we are”. •
Ubuntu has its roots in South African philosophy, where the idea of community is one of the building blocks of society.
Ubuntu is a concept of common humanity, oneness: humanity, you and me both. Ubuntu is essentially about togetherness, and how all of our actions have an impact on others and on society.
As part of our vision we aim to provide our whole community with a loving, stimulating, caring and supportive environment where all feel safe and secure and valued.
At Christ Church Primary we are a close community that respect and value each other. Whether we are friends or neighbours, children or adults, we believe that each person is important and we love and care for everyone equally. We want the best for each individual with whom we share our lives and we want everyone to be part of our loving school family. We believe Ubuntu is representative of our whole school community.
How We Live Out our Vision:
Learning Together
Our children have a desire to learn about each other, learn new skills and experience new things so that they can reach their full potential both academically and as a ‘whole person’. It is about them understanding their own place in God’s World and in society and appreciating the religious, moral and cultural traditions and different needs of others, including service to the community.
Praying Together
Faith is at the heart of all we do at Christ Church and our school days are grounded in prayer. Prayer expresses our connectiveness as we express our links with God and with other people. Community is central to the Christian faith and as a Church of England Primary School, we are part of God’s family, which means that we all belong together.
Growing Together
We aim to foster and nurture the Christian faith and ethos of the Church of England to enable all members of our community to develop spiritually, socially, intellectually and emotionally so that they can reach their full potential.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide the children and adults within our community with a loving, stimulating and supportive/welcoming environment where they can feel safe, secure and valued as individuals within a bigger team.
We aim to foster and nurture the Christian faith and ethos of the Church of England to enable all members of our community to develop spiritually, socially, intellectually and emotionally so that they can reach their full potential.
We aim for our children to:
Come to understand and apply Christian values through learning, worship, prayer and reflection
Become independent and confident individuals who show respect both to others and themselves as well as their environment
Understand their own place in God’s World and to appreciate the religious, moral and cultural traditions and different needs of others
Have a desire to learn new skills and experience new things so that they can reach their full potential both academically and as a ‘whole person’.
Staff, governors and parents undertake to:
Listen to the children and take their viewpoints into account
Work as a team, showing Christian values in all that they do
Support the children as well as each other
Encourage personal growth and independence rooted in relationships
Accommodate each individual’s special needs
Provide a well-planned and well-delivered curriculum which will equip the children with knowledge, skills and understanding
Provide a safe environment in which children will feel respected and cared for.
Our Values Education
At Christ Church, we have agreed a set of core Christian values spread over a two-year cycle. These values underpin much of what we do. Each half-term a new value word is explored through assemblies, stories, displays, newsletters and in the classroom. The children are immersed in that value word and it becomes part of their working vocabulary. This work links closely to other work done in PSHE and RE, and we find that the children now readily use the values when dealing with real problems of their own.
Our value words