Christ Church C of E Primary

Welcome to Reception Class

Information for new Parents and Carers

Welcome to Reception Class at Christ Church School. We are looking forward to welcoming you all in September. Until then, this page is here to help you find the information you need to be ready for the autumn term.

For your information, below is the presentation that we talked through during the New Parents and Carers Meeting. 



Starting in Reception FAQs:

We know you will all have lots of questions about how school will work for your child. Below are some frequently asked questions about starting school. If you have any other questions not answered here, please don't hesitate to get in touch via the school office;


When do the children start full days at school and what will the timetable be?

Term starts for the children on Thursday 5th September. For the first two days, all children will come in to school for half a day. Children should be dropped off at the Reception gate (accessed through the Church yard) at 8.55am and collected at 12.00pm.

The second week of term, beginning Monday 9th September, the children will be in school for mornings only. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the day will start at 8.55am and pick up will be 12.00pm. On Thursday 14th and Friday 15th, the children will stay for lunch and the pick up time will be 12.45pm.

The following week, beginning Monday 16th September, the children will attend school for full days. From that point onwards, the school day will begin at 8.55am and pick up time at the end of the day will be 3.25pm. 


Does my child need to bring a snack or a drink to school?

Yes. Please send your child in to school with a clearly labelled bottle of water (no juice or squash). Children are provided with a piece of fruit each day which they have during our mid morning break. If your child would prefer to bring fruit from home then that is fine but please ensure that their snack is a piece of fruit or vegetable and any containers that come in to school are clearly labelled with your child's name.


How can I help my child to feel ready to come in to school?

We are running short introductory sessions for the children on Monday 15th July. You should already have received an email inviting you to come and giving you the time of your session. Please contact the office if you have not received this letter.

Your class will have a PAFA Representative (Parents and Friends Association) who will keep in touch about any 'getting to know you' gatherings over the summer. If you would like us to put you in touch with the Class Rep, let us know and we can arrange that for you. 


Do you offer home visits?

Yes. Home or nursery visits can be a good way for your child to meet their new teacher while in a setting they know well and are comfortable in. Our reception team are making home visits at the end of July and the school will be in contact to arrange this. 


What should my child bring to school?

The children will need a Christ Church School book bag - these are available from the school office. Your child should also bring a bottle of water (labelled with their name). As we begin reading with the children in class they will be given a Reading Record book which should stay in their book bag all the time.


What uniform should my child wear?

Click here to see the up to date school uniform policy. 

Once the children are settled into school, we will inform you of the week day that they will be doing PE. Children should come in to school wearing PE kit on that day.


Will my child be able to take part in after school clubs?

Our wrap around care provider is Alpha Club. They run a breakfast and after school club in the school hall. Click here for details. 

We also run a variety of extra-curricular clubs in school however these are not available to Reception age children until the spring term. You will receive notification from the school office half way through a term, in preparation for the following term, regarding any clubs available.


How can I help my child to be ready for school?

Starting a new school is a big adventure but can also be a bit overwhelming for some children at first. Talk to your child over the holidays about starting school, and what the routine will be for the first few days. Children who can be independent often settle into school with ease. Click here for some ideas about how to support your child in being ready for school.


How can I support my child’s learning at home?

Once the children are in school and settled, we will hold a Phonics and Reading meeting where we will speak to you about how we teach phonics and reading in school and what you can do to support this at home. This meeting is usually held after school hours in the first half of the autumn term. 

There will also be an opportunity to attend a 'Meet the Teacher' meeting in September and there will be individual parents/carers meetings within the first term where we will talk to you about how your child is settling in.


Who do I speak to if I have a question or concern?

Please direct any further questions to Mrs Tucker (Reception Class teacher) or Mrs Joyce (EYFS lead) via the school office on 020 8856 4513 / Once the new term has started, if you need to speak to one of us, let us know when you see us at the school gate and we can organise a time, or call the office and they will arrange either a phone call or meeting for you.